Thursday, February 17, 2011

Announcing: Nostalgums

While I finish writing up my annual Favorite Things of 2010 list, which is very belated as usual, I want to talk about a new segment I hope to get done this year to commemorate the unofficial 1o year anniversary of 40PF. It will be an over-arching review/looking-back-oh-so-fondly-on four or so different albums that came out in 2001 that had the greatest impact on me and our first year together. It sounds like a huge nostalgia bukkake episode, which I can't really argue against hence the name, but I hope that it will also shed some light on the history of what tied us together personally and perhaps as a group later on after that first semester. Though we'll be looking back on albums completely unrelated to music 40PF has done, I think the characteristics of some of these albums that we all tended to gravitate to may parallel some of the work we would later produce ourselves. Or perhaps I'm completely wrong and all of this will be a "remember that time..." episode that people who never got over college talk about ad nauseam. Regardless I hope that it will be fun and interesting to hear albums I haven't listened to that much since then, which is something I do from time to time anyway.

As perhaps an added bonus, I, along with Forrest, hope to make at least one podcast that will coincide with one of these what-does-it-all-mean?? articles which could be REALLY fun. Specifically the one about Ben Folds' second solo album (first post-Ben Folds Five) Rockin' the Suburbs as it had probably the greatest first impact for all of us. Tentatively we have planned to record this the day of its release, listening to the album front to back just like we did in 2001 which will almost certainly take this project to an embarrassing and awkward place. I will keep you posted or I will just spontaneously dump everything here as I see fit. Posted below are the albums in no particular order (yet) for your comedic pleasure. Laugh, smile, cry, ignore: it makes no difference to me. Thank you.

Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American (released July 18, 2001)
Ben Folds - Rockin' the Suburbs (released September 11, 2001)
John Mayer - Room For Squares (released June 5, 2001)
Death Cab for Cutie - The Photo Album (October 9, 2001)

Albums That May Also Be Included:
Michelle Branch - The Spirit Room (released August 14, 2001)
Tenacious D - Tenacious D (released September 25, 2001)