Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wyatt Furtherton Solo Album “In Hearts Once Loved” Postponed Indefinitely

For journalistic simplicity I'll just list the basics of this announcement right away:

WHO?: Wyatt Furtherton (me), member of Forty Psychic Frames. Also, Ear Infections (Wes Delaney) is involved as he is co-producer of said album.

WHAT?: As a result of severe equipment malfunction, the upcoming solo album In Hearts Once Loved has been indefinitely postponed.

WHERE?: Does it matter? Um, the internet? Auburn and Raleigh, North Carolina are physical locations of the described announcement.

WHEN?: From mid-January until Sunday April 18, 2010, the circumstances have been un-official. The postponement was made official Sunday night in a drunken haze (April 18, 2010).

WHY?: Officially the cause of the malfunctions cannot be determined. There are several theories purported by those involved however and work is still being done to narrow down the scope of the problem

HOW?: Again, officially no comment can be made regarding how the malfunctions occurred other than to say "suddenly".

It would be more than boring to list exactly what happened and what should happen from here on out as I see it. Basically we've had extreme computer problems only it has yet to be determined whether it's one thing or several things that have gone wrong. Wes and our friend Steve also have their own perceptions of the situation and I can't do anything but accept their prescriptions of fate along with my own. As a result I've accepted the worst-case-scenario situation which is: everything I've done and some of what Wes has done in any recording or producing capacity up until January is gone. It's a big ass pill to swallow but in this situation you have to move on. It's like what happens to Grady Tripp in Wonder Boys when his manuscript pages fly out of the Volvo when they're trying to get the Marilyn Monroe jacket back. Everything was lost in the wind pushing off the river as was Grady, or so I think the metaphor was supposed to go. The same thing happened to Andy Farmer in Funny Farm I think. Anyway, assuming everything is lost I plan on starting from scratch and maybe cribbing ideas I'd already implemented, that is if I can remember them. The fact is, I was lost, like Grady, while making this album and I'd been lost for a while. I'd accumulated quite a few beats but I was never really sure if I should use them or not. It wasn't coming together like Unknown did and frankly it might not. But now I'm forced out of this rut and I plan to make the most of it. I will keep you posted in the future and as soon as we can get back to work, I will let you know. Thank you for caring enough to read this.


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