A couple of weekends ago we wrapped up a very successful #RW4 weekend, sort of a Bohemian Grove*-type get together we arrange to work on projects as a group, in person. How successful were we, you ask? We have almost all the vocal recordings done now, which was a biggest check box we needed to complete for getting this album finished. That alone took most of the day on Saturday and was easily the most extensive stretch of recording in 40PF history.
We also talked a lot about the release and production of the album, album covers, and track names though those results were less concrete. Still I think we all consider the weekend to have been a huge success given the amount of recorded material we completed.
(As far as how the album sounds with all the vocals recorded, I'd like to wait before commenting on this specifically. This is only because I want to wait to hear everything again through speakers before I judge it based on what I have in my head from memory.)
Now all the tracks will go to Anthony for mixing while the rest of us start work on design and release specifics. There are still about a couple dozen super-crucial decisions that need to be made in the way of release dates, printing, pressing, and marketing and it's my own personal goal to have those things nailed down by the end of January of 2014. This means we could finally have a release date within the next couple of months.
I'm kind of speaking out-of-school by saying this so don't hold me to any of this (not like you would given our great track record of releasing things on time!!!!). Like the rest of America late November is a tough month for 40PF in that we're all super busy almost the entire month with social events (read: tons of fucking parties) so getting work done over the next few weeks will be almost impossible.
But we're working hard and will continue to work hard to get this album released for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for hanging on!
* - Bohemian Grove reference made possible thanks entirely to Anthony Jackson
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